Lots of additions to already-posted material, and in the process of searching for more I've found a few tags and filenames that were inaccurate. They have (mostly) been fixed, and there is some kind of standard now. Also, everything's on Mediafire so the folks who didn't go through the trouble of finding the GO!GO!7188 when I mentioned it, here it is - and I feel the need to hype them in particular again. Very creative, catchy songs written and played with large amounts of subtle skill. AFRICAEMO - At Lunch Time: Ai Aso - Lavender Edition: Ai Aso and Wata - She's So Heavy: Asobi Seksu - Citrus: Asobi Seksu - Hush: BOaT - Listening Suicidal: GO!GO!7188 - 569: GO!GO!7188 - Best of GO!GO!: GO!GO!7188 - アンテナ: GO!GO!7188 - パレード: GO!GO!7188 - 竜舌蘭: GO!GO!7188 - 虎の穴: GO!GO!7188 - 蛇足歩行: GO!GO!7188 - 鬣: GO!GO!7188 - 魚磔: Angry wizard always related. >> Anonymous Mon Nov 9 23: And part two. Fuckin' character limit.